2016年1月1日 星期五

影響嬰幼兒吞嚥障礙之口腔動作因素(Factor that limit oral motor skills for pediatric dysphagia )

以下整理 影響口腔動作技巧的相關因素
包含jaw, tongue,lips.palate以及相關感覺層面等

the source from: 
Book: pre-freeding skills  (chapter 7 Factor that limit oral motor skills)

Jaw ()

●    Exaggerated jaw movement: The mouth may hang open or show excessive up-down movement when sucking. Inefficient sucking pattern with an increased feeding time and reduced feeding intake.
      (嘴巴可能似懸掛張開狀  在吸允時出現過度的張合動作,吸允缺乏效率-增加餵食時間和減少餵食量)

●    Jaw instability: jaw slips and shift forward or to side. Combination of low tone and poor control of TMJ Temporomandibular Joint) .
      (頷往前或往側邊滑動狀,伴隨低張或是顳顎關節控制不佳 )  
      if you are interested in TMJ ,

●    Jaw thrust: A strong downward extension of the lower jaw that occurs when the bottle,  breast, cup, or spoon is presented.

●    Phasic bite: a rhythmical, repetitive opening and closing of jaw that occurs with gum or teeth stimulation. 

●    Stability bite: as the child bite the cup or straw initially to achieve the external stability necessary for success. It a normal stage.

●    Jaw clenching: A tight closure of jaw that has reached an involuntary stage. Common in children who show strong flexor pattern in the neck,shoulder girdle, and arms

●    Tonic bite: A forceful or tense biting pattern that interferes with all aspect of feeding. (When touch the surface of gums or teeth.) It is difficult for child to release the bite and can frightening for the child.

●    Jaw retraction: A pulling backward of jaw, making it difficult to open the mouth fully.


●    Bunched or bunchy tongue: the tongue configuration is humped or bunched rather than grooved.(舌頭呈隆起或束狀而非槽狀)

        -Low-tone tongue
         thick &bunched, lacks the center groove that help move the food or liquid  bolus.

       -High-tone tongue: 
        increased rounding or humping of the tongue. This thick, bunchy tongue 
        shape may or may not also push in a forward protrusion.

●    Tongue retraction: a pulling or falling back of the tongue, making breathing and sucking difficult.(舌頭後縮,舌根拱起)

●    Exaggerated tongue protrusion: extension and retraction movements of the tongue in which the emphasis is on the extensor portion of the movement. (e.g.Down syndrome )

●    Tongue thrust: a very forceful protrusion of the tongue from the mouth. Movement frequently is arrhythmical. Its intermittent occurrence can break a previously sustained rhythm.

●    Low-tone lips: reduced muscle tone in the lips, diminishing the ability to keep food and saliva from falling out of the mouth.

●    Lip retraction(High-tone lips): the pulling back of the lips so tightly that they from a horizontal line over the mouth.

●    Lip pursing: a reaction to lip retraction. When the child tries to close the lips from a retracted position, it appears as if the lip muscle are being drawn closed in a puckered way.


●    Cleft palate(唇顎裂)

●    Velopharyngeal insufficiency (VP動作不足)

●    Timing and coordination difficulties (顎的動作協調困難)

Sensory factors(感覺因素)

●    Hyperreaction (過度敏感)

●    Hyporeaction (過度低敏)

●    Sensory defensiveness(感覺防禦)

●    Sensory overload: a sensory response that varies according to the complexity and amount of the sensory input. (感覺超載)


