2016年3月13日 星期日

故事結構(story grammar)

story grammar include......

The Character: Who is the story about?
 -Think about: person, animal, or being age/gender physical description likes and dislikes personality

The Setting: Where and When does the story take place?
 -Think about the “ho-hum” day in the setting

Kick-Off: The Initiating Event:
 -What good or bad event happened to the Character to cause him/her to do something?
 -The Kick-Off is often something that one does not expect to happen

Feelings: Internal Response:
 -What are the Character’s feelings about what happened?
 -Emotions, goals, intentions, or thoughts.(happy, sad, mad, surprised, disgusted, afraid, 
   embarrassed, proud, lonely)

The Plan
 -What does the Character want to do/achieve? (Think about the kick-off and the internal response?)

Critical Thinking Triangle
 -Initiating Event
 -Feeling Words (happy, sad, angry, jealous, surprised, scared)
 -Planning Words (want, decide, plan, desire, intend, need)
 -Thinking verbs (know, realize, think, understand, remember, believe)

Attempts or Actions
 -What action does the Character take to achieve the plan?
 -Attempt 1  Attempt 2  Attempt 3 …..
 -May involve multiple plans, or attempts at the plan.
 -The DETAILS …(To begin with, First, Then, Next, Furthermore, Finally)

Direct Consequence
 -What happened as a result of the Character’s plan and attempts?
 -The “tie-up”
 -As a result….

  -How does the Character feel about the direct consequence?
 -Think about…feelings/lesson learned/moral of the story

Introduce into the "story grammar" 

The Story Grammar Marker:
 (free download)

-->the Story-Grammar-Maker.pdf including:

for example:
    Story grammar sheet

主角(Main Character):

配角(Other  Character):
故事發生的地點? (where did the story take place?)

故事發生的時間?(when did the story take place?)

故事裡發生了什麼問題?  (what happened?)

如何解決這個問題? (how to solve the problem? )

故事結果為何 (how did the story end?)

(Do you like the story, Why or why not?)

(Do you want to share the story with others? Why or why not?)

