不僅僅出現嗆咳, 才表示有吞嚥問題
您可以觀察看看孩子在進食時, 是否有以下情形?
□back arching(背拱起)
□breathing difficulties when feeding(進食時呼吸困難)
□increased respiratory rate during feeding(進食時呼吸速率變快)
□skin color change such as turning blue(皮膚顏色改變/藍色)
□stopping frequently due to uncoordinated suck-swallow-breathe pattern
□desaturation (decreasing oxygen saturation levels)(血氧下降)
□changes in normal heart rate (brachycardia or tachycardia) in association with
□coughing and/or choking during or after swallowing(進食時/後咳嗽或嗆咳)
□crying during mealtimes(進食時哭)
□decreased responsiveness during feeding(進食時反應減少)
□difficulty chewing foods that are texturally appropriate for age (may spit out
partially chewed food)(咀嚼不佳,可能吐出食物)
□difficulty initiating swallowing(難以啟動吞嚥)
□difficulty managing secretions (including non-teething related drooling of saliva)
□disengagement cues, such as facial grimacing, finger splaying, or head turning
away from food source(做出鬼臉/手指撥開/轉頭表示不要食物)
□frequent congestion, particularly after meals(經常剩下食物)
□frequent respiratory illnesses(經常有呼吸相關的疾病)
□loss of food/liquid from the mouth when eating(進食時有些食物或液體從嘴巴流出來)
□noisy or wet vocal quality noted during and after feeding(進食時/後有呼嚕聲)
□prolonged feeding times(進食時間過久)
□refusing foods of certain textures or types(拒絕某種材質的食物)
□taking only small volumes, over-packing the mouth, and/or pocketing foods
□vomiting (more than typical "spit up" for infants)(過度的嘔吐)
□weight loss or lack of appropriate weight gain(體重減輕或是沒有適切的增加體重)
the source from American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)
the source from American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)