2017年2月28日 星期二

吞嚥治療: VitalStim Therapy (吞嚥電刺激)

為國內外 語言治療師 用於治療吞嚥障礙的一種方法
並不是所有 有吞嚥障礙的個案 都適合使用

關於 vitalstim 運用在吞嚥治療須留意的問題
2008  由具VitalStim認證的教師編寫了:

Created by VitalStim Therapy Instructors  Last updated: September 14, 2008


* Pacemakers and Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators (ICD)

美國心臟協會不建議使用 VitalStim Therapy
因為 VitalStim 的電流可能會影響心臟節律器的功能使用風險大
The likelihood of the occurrence of interference between the VitalStim Therapy
device and the pacemaker is small. The clinician should proceed with caution when
using VitalStim Therapy in patients who have an implanted ICD and/or pacemaker.
Monitor the patient for any signs of possible interference, including syncope,
dizziness, palpitations, slow or fast heart rate, or, in the case of an ICD,
inappropriate defibrillation. It is prudent to inform the physician and patient about
possible interference. Discontinue treatment if interference occurs and refer the
patient back to the physician for possible reprogramming of the pacemaker.

*VitalStimpacemakers & ICD是有可能會出現干擾.

* Deep Brain Stimulators (DBS) (腦深層電刺激)
DBS手術包括了植入一個細長的電極導線(electrode),至腦中的丘腦下核(subthalamus nucleusSTN)或是蒼白球內核(globus pallidus internal segmentGPi),此一導線經皮下和植入於胸前的脈衝產生器(pulse generator)相連(此一裝置,類似於心律調節器)。不同於燒灼手術,DBS不會破壞腦部組織,它是一種可逆式的反應,藉著產生電流來控制調節腦內不正常的活動訊息,而達到運動症狀的控制。目前DBS已成為治療巴金森氏病最有效的手術方式,但它也是非常複雜及精細的一種手術。此外,在達到它的效果之前,病人必須經過一段調適期及有耐心的等待。
(資料來源台北榮總神經外科  劉康渡醫師  演講文章 有興趣者可前往查看原文 有詳細說明)

No guidance is currently available from the FDA or from the DBS manufacturers and the
professional literature is non-existent on the topic. (目前未有相關的文獻探討此主題)
The likelihood of the occurrence of interference between the VitalStim Therapy device
and the DBS is small. The clinician should proceed with caution when using VitalStim
Therapy in patients with an implanted DBS system, even though the DBS extension wire
(running subcutaneously and posterior to the sternocleidomastoid muscle) is theoretically
outside the stimulation field of the VitalStim electrodes. It is prudent to inform the
physician and patient about possible interference. Discontinue treatment if interference

* Vagal Nerve Stimulators(迷走神經刺激器)

No guidance is currently available from the FDA or from the VNS manufacturer and the
professional literature is non-existent on the topic. (目前未有相關的文獻探討此主題)

The likelihood of the occurrence of interference between the VitalStim Therapy device
and the VNS system is small. The clinician should proceed with caution when using
VitalStim Therapy in adult patients with an implanted VNS system, even though the VNS
electrodes and lead wire are theoretically outside the stimulation field of the VitalStim
electrodes. It is prudent to inform the physician and patient about possible interference.
Discontinue treatment if interference occurs.

*Tracheostomy (氣切)
No specific guidance is issued by either the FDA or the manufacturer on the use of
NMES in patients with a tracheostomy tube. The general guideline applicable to
electrotherapy is to not allow the current to flow through indwelling metal. Electrodes
will therefore have to be placed superior to the tracheostomy tube in the case of a metal
tube. Because of the anatomical location of the tracheostomy below the cricoid cartilage
this should not be a problem with VitalStim Therapy.

The therapist should initiate therapy using the VitalStim device when the patient is stable
enough to engage in active treatment. In some cases, only two electrodes may be used
when the neck does not offer enough available space because of the presence of the
tracheostomy tube. Electrodes should be placed according to general electrode placement
guidelines and should not be placed on either side of (“bracketing”) the tracheostomy.


*Implanted Metal (植入金屬)
The accepted rule of thumb when using electrotherapy is to apply the electrodes in such a
manner so that the current will not flow through the implanted metal. Metal has a high
conductivity to current causing it to flow through the metal rather than through the
tissues. This may cause high current density at the point of entry and possible tissue
irritation. As long as electrodes are placed correctly so as to avoid this situation, there is
no reason to withhold electrotherapy from patients.
(一般來說只要電流不通過金屬,則使用電療是可以被接受的. 因金屬具有高導電性, 所以會影響電流通過金屬而不是組織.導致有高強度的電流刺激組織)

VitalStim Therapy can safely be used in patients with metal implants in patients with
carotid stents, cervical hardware or titanium mandible. The likelihood of current to flow
through the implanted metal is very low when applying VitalStim Therapy according to
recommended electrode placement guidelines.

*Cochlear Implants (電子耳)
Some therapists using VitalStim Therapy in this population have reported patients
noticing “sounds” during treatment, especially when using electrode placements on the
face, which would be indicative of the subcutaneous receiver picking up some
electromagnetic interference from the VitalStim application. Temporarily turning the
cochlear implant off resolves this issue

The likelihood of the occurrence of interference between the VitalStim Therapy device
and the cochlear implant system is small. The clinician should encourage the patient to
turn the implant off for the duration of the VitalStim Therapy treatment if any
interference is reported by the patient.

*Pregnancy (懷孕)
Authors of electrotherapy textbooks have varied positions on the safety of using
electrotherapy during pregnancy. Most authors consider it a precaution as long as the
application of the current is not over the pelvic, lumbar or abdominal anatomy.
The likelihood of the use of VitalStim Therapy inadvertently interfering with fetal
development is extremely small. VitalStim Therapy can safely be used on pregnant
(VitalStim 可安全的使用在孕婦)

*Reflux (胃酸逆流)
Patients with reflux are managed by their physician with medication and lifestyle changes

Dysphagic patients with reflux may be treated with VitalStim Therapy for their muscle
dysfunction causing dysphagia provided the underlying reflux disease is addressed.
(VitalStim 可安全的使用在有胃食道逆流的吞嚥障礙者)

*Seizures, Epilepsy.(癲癇)
Authors on the subject of electrotherapy have varied positions on the safety of using
electrotherapy in patients with epilepsy. (對於電療使用在癲癇患者有不同的論點)
The following statements reflect the opinions of these authors
It is recommended that ES not be applied on the craniofacial or cervical region
of patients with a history of CVAs or seizures due to concern that the applied
electrical current may alter conduction in the CNS.

The use of electrotherapy is a precaution with CVA, TIA and/or epilepsy and
other seizure disorders. The authors suggest appropriate patient monitoring
when applying stimulation to the head or upper cervical spine regions (until
more definitive information is available regarding the effects of stimulation).

The use of TENS may be contraindicated in patients with seizure activity. The
authors describe a case report in which seizures and absences increased during
the period of TENS use. This increased seizure activity lasted for 2 days after
cessation of TENS. (P.S.TENS: Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation)

The likelihood of the use of VitalStim Therapy exacerbating seizure activity is small. The
clinician should proceed with caution when using VitalStim Therapy in patients with
epilepsy and seizure activityIt is prudent to inform the patient about possible
exacerbation of symptoms. Ensure knowledge of the patient's prior history of seizure
activity. Monitor compliance with the medication schedule. Discontinue treatment if
exacerbation of symptoms occurs and refer patient back to the referring physician.



