2016年7月9日 星期六

How to increase communicate and language ability for children ?

The principle of increasing the language/communication ability:

Make communicate connection.
 -When you consistently responded to your child's massage.
 -The communicate may by making sounds, move their body or reaching for   something, pointing,making the gesture.  Even make up his own gesture.

Create opportunities
 -When your child wants an object. You can put the object in his view,
  but out of reach.wait until  he does something for his need. When he asks     for the object, give it to him.

Parallel talk and self-talk
 -When you interactive to your child, you can describe what your child
      is doing or what you are doing.
 -The strategy private the language stimulate for a child.

Get face to face, indicate child have eye contact with you
 -He has to look at something, then he gets the information.
 -You can take the object what he wants to close your face.
 -Wait he looks at you, give it to him
 -Maybe You can try to show how to express his needs, by making
  sounds or gestures.
 -If your child imitate the behaviors, give it to him
The best way to encourage your child to communicate is to let him start more interaction with you.

Follow child’s lead is the key point. Because: 
(1)The child is more likely to communicate about what he’s interested in.
(2)He’ll learn more when your response relates to his message.
(3)It is very hard for him to switch his attention from what interests him to what interests you. 

You can use the strategies on every day.
Communication is not just about talking. Whenever two people send a message of any kind to each other. Even without words 

  *Observe: what are your child communities behaviors.

  *You can think why he communicates and how he communicates.

