Laryngeal system
picture resource:
Cartilage (甲狀軟骨)
-the largest cartilage in laryngeal skeleton
-consisting of 2 flat quadrilateral plates (men-90o/women80o)
-V-shaped notch (thyroid notch) in superior border
-superior horns--hyoid bone, inferior horns--cricoid
-thyroepiglottic ligament at the junction of
the laminae
Cartilage (環狀軟骨)
-shaped like a signet ring
-inferior to thyroid cartilage, superior to the trachea
- lateral surface joint receive inferior horns of thyroid
-posterior-superior surfaces joint receive arytenoids
Cartilage (杓狀軟骨)
(like a 3-sided pyramid)
-the bases rest on articular surfaces of cricoid
-the apex flattened for articulation with corniculate
-2 projections at the base of each arytenoid
1vocal process
à the vocal ligament
2muscular process
à lateral
& posterior cricoarytenoid m.
- resting atop & articulating w/ arytenoid
-the elastic corniculate fibrocartilages
-served an protective function in development
-imbedded w/in the aryepiglottic folds
-support & stiffen aryepiglottic folds
(maintain the laryngeal opening)
˙Epiglottis (會厭)
-bake of hyoid bone & the base of the tongue
-based-thyroid notch by thyroepiglottic
-up-the hyoid
by hyoepiglottic ligament
surface connect tongue
base by glossoepiglottic ligaments
(2) Laryngeal Membranes & Ligaments
1.thyrohyoid membrane
2.median thyrohyoid ligament
3.lateral thyrohyoid ligaments
4.aryepiglottic folds
5.conus elasticus
˙cricothyroid jointsà increase anter-posterior
VF length, tensing VF
˙cricoarytenoid joints à Arytenoids(vocal
intrinsic laryngeal muscles
1.vocal fold adductors:TA、LCA、IA
2.vocal fold abductors:PCA
3.vocal fold tensorss:CT
connect cricoid
anterolateral surfaces & to the thyroid inferior border
˙pars recta (rotate the thyroid downward)
˙pars oblique (pull the thyroid forward )
4.aryepiglottic muscle
The extrinsic Laryngeal muscles
1.Inferior laryngeal muscles:sternohyoid、sternothyroid、thyrohyoid、omohyoid
2.Superior laryngeal muscle:stylohyoid、mylohyoid、geniohyoid、digastric、hyoglossus、
3.Inferior pharyngeal constrictor
-muscle fibers of the lower pharynx from thyroid
& cricoid
-stablize laryngeal position
-propulsion of food during swallowing
-also a resonant cavity
(5)Laryngeal Nervous System:Vagus nerve
a) superior laryngeal nerve:
the sensory of superior laryngeal &
control CT muscle.
b) recurrent laryngeal nerve:
the sensory of
inferior laryngeal & control TA、IA、LCA、PCA muscle
(6)the structure of vocal cords:
*The supraglottal region:
from laryngeal inlet to the level of false vocal folds
àlaryngeal vestibule àventricular
*The glottic region:
between ventricular & true vocal folds
àventricle (laryngeal ventricle)
àtrue vocal folds
*The subglottal region:
from true vocal folds to the cricoid
* Layered structure of human adult vocal fold
(透過3D完整呈現 喉部的每一個結構並有詳細的說明)